Catz Page 9 has some catz on it. I can't think of a tie-in theme. They're just good catz.


Bred by Syren @ Nimbus
Born 5/21/2017
184th Gen
Calico Personality

Prettiest girl on the block. Gloves and socks and spots and pretty pink eyes. Little angel from heaven.


Bred by Kristina
Born 10/28/2018
390th Gen
Alley Cat Personality

I love that she's got traditional calico colors but no calico anything else. She just likes their clothes.


Bred by Arie
Born 7/28/2018
413th Gen
Persian Personality

Don't those deep brown eyes just melt your heart like chocolate? He'll melt right into your arms, too!


Bred by delighy
Born 10/18/2018
550th Gen
Persian Personality

The Big Eyed Starer. Silvery eyes and soft snowy coat, he's all ready for winter.

Daisy May

Hexed by Segal
Born 8/8/2009
1st Gen
Maine Coon Personality

I believe I had her custom made, though I don't remember details. Worth it though, since she's so cute!


Bred by Kalaia
Born 6/20/2009
2nd Gen Purebred
Persian Personality

She has a really eye-catching eye color for a 2nd gen, and I've loved her for it for 15 years.


Bred by Arie
Born 3/22/2018
388th Gen
Calico Personality

Two color calico! You don't need three colors to be a beautiful baby. She'll prove it or your money back! (Lie)


Bred by Cookie
Born 9/2/2018
399th Gen
Calico Personality

Sweet baby boy covered in little patches. I love how many colors he's got going on with his texture.


Bred by Kaelci
Born 7/10/2017
459th Gen
B+W Personality

What if there was a handsome boy who was so, so grumpy? You do not need to imagine. He is here.


Bred by smonikkims
Born 8/2/2017
417th Gen
Persian Personality

The build of a plush toy and the personality of a plush toy. A very perfect baby, a man of many talents.


Bred by smonikkims
Born 11/12/2018
532th Gen
Siamese Personality

Unrelated to Cradle, though they're a bit similar. Named after what you say when you see him. Fantastic!!!


Bred here!
Born 8/1/2018
376th Gen
Alley Cat Personality

Don't worry, she won't kill you! She just kinda looks like she wants to. She probably doesn't... right?


Bred by emma @ loser
190th Gen
Tabby Personality

He looks so Oshie-ish that I forget he isn't actually a scaredy cat sometimes. He is a friendly and mild boy.


Bred by Spider
Born 11/16/2008
40th Gen
Chinchi Personality

Small sweet and squish, you can put him in your hot cocoa! He won't like it, but you can!


Bred by mallo
Born 7/21/2008
91st Gen
Russian Blue Personality

A scraggly beach-comber covered in spots of sand. He'll help you find some shells, so let's hang out!


Bred by Paige
Born 11/5/2015
66th Gen
Alley Cat Personality

Sent to me on my birthday, she is so beautiful with her monochrome fur and pink eyes. A blessed gift!
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