Catz Page 3 has some hexies, minis and miscellaneous lovelies.


Hexed by Catherine
Born 6/20/2017
1st Gen
Persian Personality

A sweet angel baby. She's not wearing a sweater in these pics, but I should give her one. Don't get cold!


Hexed by Catherine
Born 7/22/2017
1st Gen
Persian Personality

I needed him from the moment I saw him, so I went hard at auction. It was worth it. He's irresistable.


Bred by anonymous
Born 8/8/2009
175th Gen
Calico Personality

This color combo with her soft pink eyes looks great. Her friendly demeanor makes it perfect!


Hexed by Kaelci
Born 6/16/2017
1st Gen
Tabby Personality

Winning her in a raffle early in the Revival changed the game. How could you stop playing? You have a girl!


Bred by Kiri
Born 4/18/2017
452nd Gen
Russian Blue Personality

She's so drop-dead gorgeous to me. I love her dark eyes. She's so sweet to me too. World's best girl.


Bred by delighy
Born 9/13/2018
515th Gen
Chinchi Personality

She would look excellent even as a normal-sized cat, so her miniscule size is just an incredible plus.


Bred by delighy
Born 9/14/2018
562nd Gen
Chinchi Personality

The way that she matches Honey so closely is so cute. They look great side-by-side!


Bred by Paige
Born 4/11/2017
456th Gen
Maine Coon Personality

It's outright incredible to me how perfect he looks. I have no idea how he only got B+W patches...


Bred by Amy @ Wild Rose
Born 11/22/2013
241st Gen
Alley Cat Personality

A set of little triplets I took home. They all have distinct personalities despite all being alleys...


Bred by Amy @ Wild Rose
Born 11/22/2013
241st Gen
Alley Cat Personality

He's grumpy, but he has a sweet side. You just have to be careful about it.


Bred by Amy @ Wild Rose
Born 11/22/2013
241st Gen
Alley Cat Personality

She's the moodiest of the triplets. She's also the skinniest, though, so maybe she's just a bit jealous.


Bred by emma @ loser
Born 11/6/2008
84th Gen
Persian Personality

A lovely 16-year-old supermodel. Mostly-solid cats have lots of appeal!


Bred by smonikkims
Born 7/5/2017
520th Gen
Oshie Personality

The only cat that I have an non-OW in for. I don't usually keep those, but she's worth it! Tiny and shy.


Bred by mallorie
Born 2/11/2009
86th Gen
Calico Personality

His sweet pink eyes really tie it all together. So warm and comfy cozy.


Bred by emma @ loser
Born 6/13/2009
19th Gen
Maine Coon Personality

I'm really enchanted by these more "basic" NIB catz. He's beautiful to me, and that's what counts.


Bred by Max @ Frivolous
Born 11/30/2017
86th Gen
Siamese Personality

His fur pattern is already great, but his body shape brings it to the next level. It adds to his spunk.
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