Just a bit past the flowing stream lies a cozy abode that some call home.
Far away enough from others to have a peaceful life, yet close enough to remain in-the-loop.
Close enough to important places to be convenient, yet far away enough that the hustle and bustle won't get to you.
Here, various fun and fantastical creatures can find places to follow their idyllic dreams.
And fresh out of bed, our protagonist leaves the house to find that this morning is weirder than usual.
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BLOOD MOON: THE WORLD'S DREAM GIRLAn average human, she's got a gentle heart, but tries to take things seriously. If there's an incident, she's probably the one solving it. She's a very reliable type of person! She tries to remain a neutral party, wanting to solve things as harmlessly as possible, with reason and compromise. Still, no one listens to her a lot of the time, and she ends up having to take matters into her own hands. Despite her peaceful intentions, she has a bad habit of accidentally coming across ruder than she means to, and finds herself easily misunderstood. This also gets her into trouble. She wields the power of dreams, turning the battlefield into a haze between reality and imagination. She has the ability to blur your perception, like when you can't remember if something really happened or not. (And if you sleep near her, you'll have good dreams!) |
From Blood Moon's house, half of the sky is dyed a bright red. Loud, cacophonous sounds continually burst distantly through the air, rumbling, groaning, thundering unpleasantly through the sky. Tremors pass periodically through the ground, as though threatening an earthquake that never quite comes. Something is NOT right, though she doesn't know what. And, well, it's usually her job to deal with it, so...
???: E-Eeeeeek!
BLOOD MOON: Huh? What was that?
Blood Moon heads towards a neighbor's house, finding herself in tow of the Stage 1 boss, who is immediately convinced she is being chased, and starts desperately trying to escape her. Unfortunately, they're going the same direction, so her evasive attempts are in vain. Blood Moon, completely oblivious, does not even realize that the girl is currently in a nightmare world, and makes the reasonable decision to approach this random stranger to ask a simple question.
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HAVE A WATERY WEDNESDAY: FLEETING AND FLOWING ANXIETYA water nymph, she was born from the stream crossing not far from Blood Moon's abode. Not very strong, she's an extremely anxious and paranoid person, and very easy to frighten. She's often convinced that people around her are out to get her, and tends to avoid others, distrusting most strangers by default. Unfortunately, her high anxiety can also make her fairly gullible, so she can be conned into having some unusual beliefs. Due to her current company, who isn't very trustworthy herself, she's particularly distrustful of Blood Moon. She wields the power of water, same as any water nymph. Specifically, she can manipulate the 'flow' of water in any way she wants, including in the air. Not a bad power, but she's not that strong, so... |
Frantic like a cornered animal, Have a Watery Wednesday turns to face her pursuiter in a moment of panic.
HAWW: Aaaah! HEY!!!
BLOOD MOON: Whoa! Hey?
HAWW: I don't - I don't know what you want but I don't have it so leave me alone!
BLOOD MOON: Whoa, wait, I didn't ask anything yet!
HAWW: I don't know it so you need to leave!
BLOOD MOON: I didn't even get to say it...
HAWW: U-Urgh...
BLOOD MOON: Um, you seem really freaked out. Are you okay? Is someone chasing you?
HAWW: If you... get any closer, I'll, hh..have to...!
BLOOD MOON: Wait, wait, wait, wait -
In proper Touhou fashion, Have a Watery Wednesday starts shooting bullets everywhere, for no understandable reason. Luckily for Blood Moon (and you, the player,) she's not very strong, so she throws out a few weak easy-to-dodge spellcards your way, and then bolts before anything else can happen.
BLOOD MOON: She ran off...
BLOOD MOON: Well, I guess I'll just keep going. Still, how strange...
BLOOD MOON: That girl really did seem scared. I hope she isn't getting chased around by any scary villains. Oh well...
One completely useless battle out of the way, Blood Moon continues on her journey.
Unluckily for Have a Watery Wednesday, Blood Moon and her are still going to the same place, so when Blood Moon picks up where she left off, she's still right behind her. She does turn around to shoot a few more attacks off at her in a midboss-like fashion, to Blood Moon's confusion, but it's not long before they both reach their shared destination: the home of Blood Moon's neighbor and self-proclaimed rival, who Have a Watery Wednesday hides behind like a frightened animal.
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JESSEBELL: BEST WORST COMMUNITY MEMBERAs a Jersey Devil, you might think she'd have some sort of evil intentions, but she doesn't seem to... or if she does, she's too lazy to act on them. She tries to sell herself as the spitting image of a pure-hearted, trustworthy person who does her best for her community every day. This is the reputation she wants, but she hates putting in effort, so in reality, she spends most of her time goofing off while talking herself up to others. Most people with any sense are aware that she's full of shit, and view her with poor regard, but she doesn't care that much. Can't win 'em all, right? The important part is the people she CAN convince... like Have a Watery Wednesday. She wields the power of bad luck. By augmenting your bad luck, she can make it more likely for you to slip up in battle, possibly granting her her unlikely upper hand. Life's just not fair, is it? |
JESSEBELL: Well well well, look who it is.
JESSEBELL: Terrorizing the locals again, are you, Blood Moon?
BLOOD MOON: No... wait, 'again'? Nevermind that - I'm trying to find out about the weird tremors. Do you know anything?
BLOOD MOON: ...Do you?
JESSEBELL: Well, it's possible! I might be able to help me out... if you can defeat me in battle, of course.
BLOOD MOON: Do I have to do that?
JESSEBELL: If you want me to cooperate, yes.
BLOOD MOON: Well, OK then.
JESSEBELL: I won't lose this time. Here it comes...!
JESSEBELL: Aah~ You're still strong, huh.
BLOOD MOON: We can play again another time. You said you could help, didn't you?
JESSEBELL: Well, I was bluffing about knowing anything.
BLOOD MOON: Go figure...
JESSEBELL: You should try the human city, though. Everyone seems to know everything there. Compared to me, anyways.
Heeding her unrequited rival's advice, she heads out for the human city, in the hopes of getting any kind of actual info out of someone. It's a big world, someone's got to know something eventually. Surely it's not just useless, net-gain-zero battles all the way down, right? ...Right?!?!
The Human City is huge and imposing, bordered by tall walls. It isn't closed to the public, though. Humans have delicate sensibilities, and tend to both not be as good at magic nor have as much battle prowess other creatures, so they take what protection they can, and tend to stick together in groups. Over thousands of years this culminated in a city with a massive human population, not hostile to outsiders, but still a little nervous around them.
At the massive open arch that marks the entrance to the city, lots of foot traffic comes through, and many merchants dot the walls to sell their wares. Today, though, many stalls seem to be empty. Desperate for info, Blood Moon draws near, trying to single out someone who looks like they might know anything. Though fairly vacant, one specific person manages to catch her eye...
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MAGIA MURA: FANTASTICAL TIRED RETAIL WORKERA beast who pretends to be human, so humans will be more impressed and buy more from her. She can't hide her tail, though, so when asked she says it's a fashion statement. It works better than you'd think! A merchant of magical objects, Magia typically comes across as delightful and talkative. You want to buy something from her. She takes criticism poorly, but tries to hide it under a veneer of friendliness. Privately, though, she is impatient and easy to irritate. She's not an unpleasant person, though, she's just... overworked. She just needs to sit in a dark quiet room alone for a while. Don't we all? She wields the power of enchantment. She can imbue items with a purpose, and they'll do their best to serve the purpose. Be careful in battle, though, or she might just try to enchant you! |
MAGIA: Hello there! Are you needing something?
BLOOD MOON: I like your tail.
MAGIA: Thank you!
BLOOD MOON: I could use some help, if it's alright.
MAGIA: I can certainly try! What are you looking to buy?
BLOOD MOON: Oh, no, it's nothing like that... hmm. Maybe you aren't the person I should talk to...
MAGIA: Won't even give me a chance?
BLOOD MOON: Um, I didn't mean it like that. But you're just a vendor, right?
MAGIA: Mm. That's a little dismissive, don't you think?
MAGIA: Lots of times like this, you know. No one respects merchants. We're just a convenient item stop to you. But I'm a person too, you know.
BLOOD MOON: I think you're having a different conversation from me?
MAGIA: I get a kind of rotten vibe from you, to be honest. I could tell you politely but firmly to leave. But it doesn't look like anyone else is here, so surely no one will see it if I simply...
Accidentally having offended the very first person she spoke to, Blood Moon finds herself having to dodge another slurry of bullets. It's hard to call this one her fault, though, socially unfortunate as she is. Magia's stress levels were high, and she was a convenient target for letting off steam. Sometimes retail workers just need to shoot ten thousand bullets at you before they can talk reasonably. And that's okay! That's normal. Nonetheless, Blood Moon emerges victorious.
MAGIA: Yeesh, I went in over my head...
BLOOD MOON: Sorry...
MAGIA: No, that was unprofessional. I haven't had a good week and business is awful since the ground keeps exploding. I apologize, truly. My bad~
BLOOD MOON: Um, going back to the beginning... actually, about the exploding, too. Can I ask you some questions?
MAGIA: I guess I owe you one. What do you need?
BLOOD MOON: You said the ground is bad. And it is bad, and the sky is bad too. Do you have any idea why? Any at all, really? Even just a theory...
MAGIA: To be frank, I can't say I do. But I can do you one better! Follow me.
BLOOD MOON: Thank you, I think.
The city palace is a bit of a walk from the city's entrance, following a long multicolor-tile pathway straight forward until it gives way to the wide white steps leading up to it. Blood Moon feels very out of her element as she follows Magia along the trail, the blocky and geometric colorful architecture of the city building up on all sides, thwarting her extremely rural sensibilities as someone who lives primarily in the middle of a big field. She's fine, but she does feel a looming sense of dread as she walks along.
The palace is awe-inspiring, as well-- a big, beautiful white building wreathed in gold accents. They enter the arched entrance to the first floor, massive panelled windows lighting up the interior with sunlight as its only light source (How do they see at night...?). A bit overwhelmed, Blood Moon keeps her eyes to the floor, nervously tracing the decorative shapes and patterns adorning it the wide tiles. She's a country girl! It's a lot to take in!
This palace is where the monarch of the city resides, the first floor being the only one really open for others, composed mainly of the large and decorated throne room. She's not necessarily in here all the time - there's much to do that can't be done by just sitting in a fancy chair - but she's often in the vicinity, and indeed she is here, turning around to fixate her eyes on Blood Moon with a piercing gaze.
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LUCIDA: REVERED REGAL CHANGELING QUEENHer demeanour can be heart-lurchingly intimidating and cold, but only when she deems it necessary. If she feels a threat to safety, she is merciless. Any other time, she's really not so bad. She cares deeply for her people, and is a compassionate ruler. But she doesn't tend to give herself a break, and she seems... tired. She seems serious, maybe? It's hard to tell what her personality is like, as she holds others at a distance, and focuses mainly on service. Yet she seems to like being around others. You have to wonder if she's lonely? She wields the power of focus. She has the ability to force your focus to a specific point, zeroing in your attention to whatever she wants it to be. You can see how this could be a useful power for someone in her position, but it's also a pretty handy trick when you're in a fight. |
Though she pretends to be, and virtually everyone outside of the select community she came from thinks she is, Lucida is not a human. She is a beast, much the same as Magia-- and is a changeling child, replacing the previous lineage's daughter when they were both young.
To put it simply, the previous royal family was rotten, extremely hostile to other cities and generally a huge pain in the side of almost everyone. Among a group living nearby the city, a scheme was hatched to break the cycle of horrible people raising horrible children to be horrible, and Lucida was sent to take the place of that family's daughter and heir, their actual daughter in turn being spirited away and adopted by Lucida's previous parents. This had no psychological effect on anyone and will never come up again, I'm sure.
It's been over 100 years since then, and the humans of the family have died out, leaving Lucida on her own. Various theories float around the human city about Lucida's unusually long lifespan and lack of aging, but most attribute it to some kind of secret dabbling with magic. No one knows the full truth, outside of that small community. But now you do! Congrats!
LUCIDA: Who are you?
MAGIA: This girl's looking for info about the earthquakes and all the other stuff.
LUCIDA: Magia, you look a bit disheveled.
MAGIA: Oh, I got defeated.
LUCIDA: You're attacking my people?
BLOOD MOON: No no no. Or, um, yes, but not on purpose? Sorry, I'm just trying to solve the incident.
LUCIDA: Your name?
BLOOD MOON: I'm Blood Moon.
LUCIDA: Blood Moon. Interesting name. I won't deny that I know a bit about this, but tell me now. Why should I trust you?
LUCIDA: I don't believe I've seen your face here ever before. You show up and somehow you're fighting my citizens, and now you're on my doorstep, asking questions. What brought you specifically here?
BLOOD MOON: What? What? Huh? What?
LUCIDA: The suspected site of the incident isn't very close. What made you think to come to the city, of anywhere? How did coincidence deliver you to Magia, to bring you right up to me? What's gone through your mind in this time, I wonder. I wonder a number of things I don't expect I'll hear answers to.
BLOOD MOON: I don't know what you're talking about at all, suddenly?
LUCIDA: I am saying that you're suspect. And I'm asking a question. Why should I trust you?
BLOOD MOON: I don't know how to answer that. Should I leave?
LUCIDA: No, you shouldn't. In fact, I won't let you. I don't trust you.
With no time to think, Lucida begins her attack. Blood Moon isn't unused to being suddenly placed on the offensive, but her opponent is strong, and kind of scary, and she's still confused how she ended up in this situation. Is it this hard to ask people questions these days?! What an unlucky day for her... after a showdown the length of a stage 4 boss fight, Magia interjects.
MAGIA: Oh, and it was my fault we fought.
BLOOD MOON: *pant*
LUCIDA: Blood Moon, right? It's an interesting name. It's true I've never seen you, but I might've heard the name. Do you generally solve incidents?
LUCIDA: Hmm. Well... alright. For now, at least, I'll take your word. I apologize for being rash.
BLOOD MOON: It's OK. It happens to me a lot.
MAGIA: It does, doesn't it?
LUCIDA: I'll tell you what I know. A few days ago, an artifact belonging to the palace museum vanished. I don't know how they got it, but, well, the sky, and the tremors, it all matches up with what I know of the artifact. I don't doubt that the two are connected.
BLOOD MOON: I see... I guess that helps. I have to find an artifact...
LUCIDA: By my personal judgements I'd suggest investigating the far fields past the waterways.
BLOOD MOON: I've gone in a circle...
LUCIDA: Sorry. By this time I should've done something myself, but the unusual situation has made things here more busy and difficult as well. If you can recover the artifact I'd be happy to compensate you.
BLOOD MOON: That might be nice.
LUCIDA: It'd be no trouble.
BLOOD MOON: Well, thanks for your help. I guess I'll go back the way I came. And, um... sorry that I seemed so rude.
MAGIA: Sorry~
LUCIDA: Sorry.
MAGIA: Good luck!
With well wishes from the royal palace received, Blood Moon takes off for hopefully the last time, to solve an incident that feels like it could have been solved much sooner.
Back up the tiled path, out the gate, back up again past Jessebell's house, past her own house, twice crossing the stream and off into the unknown. Just kidding, she's probably been here before, at some point. It's not very far away from home, after all. The closer she seems to get, the redder the sky gets, the louder the noises, the heavier the tremors.
And yet, as though entering the eye of the storm, when she gets to the center, everything seems muted. The sky a soft pale pink, the noise not unbearably loud, the ground not so shaky. And moreover, the grass on the ground is completely blossomed over with big, beautiful red flowers. It invokes the feeling of a video game save point right before a boss fight... and that boss, right in the center of everything, is someone interesting.Someone interesting, someone unexpected, and someone who she already knows quite well.
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FLORA CAPRA: GRACEFULLY GRACELESS CHIMERA GARDENERShe's a garden-loving chimera who's not known for being very strong. She's also Blood Moon's girlfriend. She's energetic, with an endless well of energy to draw from, always wanting to do something-or-other and rarely getting tired. She is silly, sincere, and incredibly friendly. She's an honest girl with a good heart. She's capable of getting serious if the need arises, but it does bum her out. She gets along with basically anyone who isn't malicious, and sometimes even those people too. She has zero evil intentions. And again, she's not very strong. How exactly did she get here...?! She wields the power of plants. She's can summon them from herself or from the ground, and can manipulate them to do what she needs. She likes to do things by hand, though, so she doesn't use it quite as often as she could. It's not a bad one for fights, however.
FLORA: Blood Moon! Blood Moon! Come check this out!!
BLOOD MOON: Flora, what are you doing...?
FLORA: Check out this awesome relic I found! It's so cool! I'm having fun, I'm having fun!
BLOOD MOON: Flora, you robbed a museum?!
FLORA: Wait, hold on, what are we talking about? That's a weird question. What museum?
BLOOD MOON: You're serious... well, where did you get that?
FLORA: It was just in this field. Isn't that awesome? Free treasure! No clue how it got here, but it's mine now!
BLOOD MOON: That's still kind of stealing, isn't it?
FLORA: You're thinking too hard about it. What even is stealing? I simply found an object. Morally I have done no wrong.
BLOOD MOON: Can you really say that?
FLORA: Name one thing I've ever done wrong.
BLOOD MOON: Putting that aside, do you even know what you're doing? The sky is red, there's horrible noises and everything's all shaky, it's terrible...
FLORA: Oh, come on now, that's such an exaggeration! The sky isn't even red! You're being so weird right now. Is it really that bad that I'm playing? I play all the time, you know! You usually love it when I play!
BLOOD MOON: It's normal-ish here, but if you go further out it's worse...
FLORA: Well I think it's just fine. I'm having lots of fun! I feel so powerful with this thing. It augments my powers! Look how big and beautiful my flowers are! Aren't you happy for me? You are, right?
BLOOD MOON: Flora... I love you, but I need to take that from you.
FLORA: I love you too! But I won't let you.
BLOOD MOON: Then there's no choice.
FLORA: This is going to be fun. Don't hold back!!
Through dutiful dodging and careful knowledge of all of her weaknesses, Blood Moon is finally able to wrestle the relic out of Flora's hands, like wrestling a piece of plastic out of a cat's mouth. As soon as it leaves her grasp, the flowers on the ground explode into a cloud of red petals, and Flora, demoted to her regular old power level, flops backwards into the grass, laughing and kicking her legs around. It's over.
Blood Moon bops her lightly on the head. She should know better! She was being really bad. Flora keeps laughing, though, saying that she really didn't know how bad it was, and Blood Moon knows that's true. And she didn't know it was stolen either, which... okay, well maybe she didn't care after she learned either, but the palace doesn't have to know that. Blood Moon can return it safely, and then everyone can forget this ever happened, like a weird dream. All's well that ends well, and all that!
Blood Moon carts Flora with her back up to the human palace, where she is dutifully scolded by a high-ranking authority figure after Blood Moon calls her out. She absolutely hates this, but it is inevitable. Sorry, Flora. This had to happen. You have to learn one way or another.
Lucida pays Blood Moon for her troubles in gold, which she accepts gratefully. What'll she do with it? That's a question for the future. She's had a really, really long day of fighting people for no reason, and she is very ready to go home with Flora and have dinner and lounge about.
That's right. That should be everything, shouldn't it?
There's nothing to worry about.
You two can go home and get a good night's rest. You deserve it.
With all luck provided, starting tomorrow...
everything will be normal again.
In the early morning just a couple days after the incident, Blood Moon notices an unusual person lurking around outside their house. She decides to investigate.
It's strange, though. They're definitely lingering around here, but she can only see them from a distance... when she walks closer, they walk further, yet they never quite leave. Are they trying to lead her somewhere? She probably shouldn't go too far like this...
Just as she considers turning back, she notices that she's starting to actually make headway in approaching them. Closer and closer, until she can actually make them out properly. The stranger turns around to face her. Her eyes are narrow. She looks angry.
The encounter feels uncomfortable, unusual. This person has a strange aura. Something feels wrong. The stranger looks old, somewhat haggard, and despite her apparent anger she is definitely, one-hundred-percent someone who Blood Moon has never seen before in her life. She stares coldly, directly into Blood Moon's eyes, and then, in a metered voice, begins to speak.
???: The artifact. Give it to me.
BLOOD MOON: What? What?
???: I saw you with it. You and that other girl, but, no, you were the one carrying it. I know you have it. Give it to me.
BLOOD MOON: *nervous*
???: ...I know you know, but I will explain. Something of mine was stolen. It is... very important to me. It belongs to me, it's mine. I need it back.
BLOOD MOON: Stolen...
???: And you have it.
BLOOD MOON: I have it...
???: Are you going to return it to me?
???: ...
BLOOD MOON: *shakes head*
???: Are you sure?
???: ...Fine then.
And the stranger lunges forward, and the surrounding area explodes into an array of color.
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SEO DELILAH: REMNANT OF A FORGOTTEN TIMEAppearing here now, she is commanding and scary, unhinged, ready to do anything to get what she desires. But in reality, violence isn't her first choice. She's just really, really desperate. More regularly, she is not rude, but somewhat terse and unsociable. The reality is that she is simply thousands of years out of touch, and unsure how to interact with people in the current day and age. Awkward in conversation, she will listen carefully but doesn't always understand what she's listening to. There's thousands of years of difference between her and most people she could talk to nowadays, so you can understand where the disconnect comes in. She is generally humble, considering all others she meets as equals despite the deficit in life experience and prowess. After all, long-lived as she may be, everyone else is far more acclimated to the modern day, a skill which she has left woefully untrained. She wields the power of... well, keep reading? |
The powers she's using seem familiar to Blood Moon, as though she's seen something like this before. When it strikes her, she realizes with a jolt that this whole fight is for nothing (again); she could fix the problem immediately. She convinces Seo to cease her attacks, by way of her very convincing method of screaming "WAIT!!!!!". Because she actually knows exactly where the thing she's looking for is.
Blood Moon is tired. She just woke up. Hasn't even had breakfast! And she immediately got attacked by an Extra Stage Boss! She's already not having a very good day. But bravely, and despite how very out-of-it she felt in her head, she leads Seo Delilah a while's away, to the human city and into the palace, methodically flagging down Lucida to talk to her about the situation.
Seo herself isn't having a very good day. Frankly she hasn't been having a very good day for quite a long time now, countless years upon years, and is extremely out of her element in this extravagant palace in a strange colorful city that did not even exist thousands of years ago. But with some strained but patient discussion, she is given the space to explain herself, and lays her story straight.
Seo Delilah carries with her three artifacts (normally four), powerful items that can be used to enable power and siphon it through. When she was young, she created them to keep herself strong and safe at a time when this world was wracked with war. When the battle haze had cleared, her and the remaining others split ways, and she became a traveler. At some point during her travels, one of the artifacts was stolen from her, and has been missing to her ever since.
Each artifact has a color, and is aligned with a unique area of power. She imbued a piece of herself into each, so she is distraught to lose one.
As long as these objects are on her person, she will feel no effect. It is as though all parts of her are still whole. Separated from them, though, depending on the artifact, various effects will happen. She will become lethargic, her senses dulling, her emotions numbing, she will weaken physically, consciously, she will live life in a dreamlike haze.
It's unclear who it was stolen by initially, but some hundred years ago, it fell into the Palace's hands unbeknownst to her, and was kept safe within its walls until, you know, just now. (Who exactly stole it from the palace, anyways? Well, that's a problem for some other time. Seo isn't lead by vengeance. She just really, really wants her stuff back.)
Lucida listens patiently to her explanation, while Blood Moon tries to listen patiently but is really tired and keeps zoning out. Understanding the weight of the situation, as well as the concept of not keeping things when they don't belong to you (unlike some people), Lucida accommodates Seo's request, recovering the artifact from its resting place in the palace and returning it back to its rightful owner.
Seo is extremely, immensely relieved, and extremely grateful. She thanks Lucida gratuitously, thanks Blood Moon gratuitously, apologizes to Blood Moon gratuitously, and now, seeming almost embarassinly humbled, takes her leave off into the night.
But that will not be the end we see of her, here; lonesome traveler though she is, there's something that draws her towards this comfortable corner of the world.
Blood Moon gives her regards to Lucida, and heads on her way back, contented that the overarching situation is definitely, finally settled. There's no way there could be even more to this, could there? That has to be it, right?! (It is, don't worry.) It's important for her to get home, now. She wants to lay in bed for a few more hours, for sure. Moreover, she left Flora there, and she's probably a bit freaked out. I mean, she went to investigate and then never came back!
But it's okay. She'll be right there.