I don't have a lot of Dogz right now. I'm more of a Catz guy gal, you know?


Hexed by Chii
Born 6/9/2017
1st Gen
Great Dane Personality

Number 1 winner of the dog beauty contest. While he looks elegant, he's actually very silly.


Hexed by Mellie @ Oddity
Born 7/9/2017
1st Gen
Dalmatian Personality

A beautiful oddball; she got me interested in the concept of "plain white dali With Something More".


Hexed by Arie
Born 3/22/2018
1st Gen
Dalmatian Personality

The second "plain white dali With Something More". Won from an auction. I got to choose his color!


Hexed by Kikaz
Born 10/12/2009
1st Gen
Dalmatian Personality

An old, sweet and handsome boy. Smells like pine needles and a cozy fire.


Bred by leslie @ mobius
Born 9/3/2017
431st Gen
Great Dane Personality

A silly puppy. Made me realize that I quite like orange on dogz.


Bred by Neco
Born 5/18/2009
240th Gen
Labrador Personality

What's better than the basics? The basics but just a little bit cooler. Pretty eyes and puffy paws.


Bred by Mika
Born 9/13/2017
439th Gen
Labrador Personality

An elegant monochrome lady enhanced by intense levels of fuzz.


Bred by ali @ qwerty
Born 7/27/2017
431st Gen
Bulldog Personality

Advertised specifically as being a weird looking little freak. Who can resist a weird looking little freak?


Bred by Copper @ YKY
Born 9/6/2017
434th Gen
Dalmatian Personality

Greyscale is always in fashion. A sweet boy with a sweet face.


Bred by Neco
Born 9/23/2009
220th Gen
Scottie Personality

Oh Micky you're so pretty can't you understand IT'S GUYS LIKE YOU MICKY


Bred by Pinto
Born 2/4/2017
384th Gen
Sheepdog Personality

Adopted at the end of my last burst of activity. Really glad I did so I can play with her now. She's so cute!


Bred by Arie
Born 9/7/2017
271st Gen
Dachshund Personality

Isn't she perfect in every way? Beautiful colors. Spots and patches. Little lady with big paws. Love to see it.


Bred by Kat @ Fantasy
Born 6/27/2017
328th Gen
Labrador Personality

You know what they say about orange boys. Or, I guess that's about cats. But it could be about him too.


Bred by leslie @ mobius
Born 9/3/2017
428th Gen
Sheepdog Personality

The fluffy fuzzy black lab of your dreams. (Not a lab by any game metrics, but those are fake, so it's OK.)


Bred by Catherine
Born 6/25/2017
296th Gen
Great Dane Personality

A spritely young boy full of energy! And he's silly! AND he's orange!


Bred by Megger @ Oblivious
Born 7/4/2017
328th Gen
Great Dane Personality

He's the kind of dog you could imagine composing chamber sonatas, right?
this is the
first page!

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