I'm going to store my goatlings html codes here :)
Welcome to the Goatlings Profile Page of Goatlings User Renko
hi! i'm goatlings user renko.
she/he/they pronouns!
i am a fun and friendly 25 year old who
likes to play on petsites.
i like to give gifts, collect goats, dress my HA, and timidly interact with the community.
i have an interest in OCs, as well as touhou, and generally enjoy various anime and games. i'm an unprofessional artist and i really like cats and bugs.
nice to meet you!!!
- collect LOTS of yarn
- obtain a music doll AD
- complete more goatling profiles
- gather more adoption tickets
- sell my dang old retired items!
i love maribel ♥
my friends are fae, maze, selph & mallow, and sunlit is my confidant.
i have an art thread, and i run a giveaway thread for people who don't have crown accounts!





i collect items people collect from giving tree and mass-send. enjoy! |
Welcome to my Goatlings Profile!!!!!!
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i'm goatlings user renko! i am an adult player who uses any pronouns.
i love petsites! i like gift giving, goat making, dressing up, and timidly interacting with the goatlings community. nice to meet you all! i also collect balls of yarn. i like yarn.
i am a hobbyist artist, with an interest in touhou as well as OCs. i enjoy playing various games, watching cartoons and anime, and drinking fun drinks. i love cats and bugs. iilike fashion, but only when it's niche and colorful and pastel pop. I enjoy collecting rocks and incense and soap. my dreams are to see a shoebill IRL, and to eat one of those original bananas that banana candies apparently taste like.
maribel is my love, and i am friends with fae, maze, selph, meicoomon, and mallow.
sunlit is my confidant. we share a computer!
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any pronouns OK · girl enjoyer · 20+ years old
i'm an avid petsite player and a fan of things cute and good.
in personal life i'm a hobbyist artist and full-time employee. i like harvest moon, touhou, and various other games and shows. i'm fond of cats and colorful things.
i'm pretty shy, and don't talk much in public, but shooting me a message is always A-OK as long as you accept i'm slow to reply.
| Thanks for visiting my page! |
"renko", 20+ any pronouns lesbian |
i like touhou and petsites and my wife |
friendly and shy. nice to meet you. |

Hi there!
I'm "Renko", and I use any pronouns. I'm an adult player who likes petsites too much. I'm not super talkative, but I am friendly, so feel free to say hi if you see me around!
A witch who lives in the dilapidated woods on the edge of town, she crafts any kind of potion you can think of. Though she's very friendly, she's not the townsfolk's favorite person, having been at the helm of one too many mishaps and cauldron backfires for their taste.
In spite of this fact, she seems to be doing well enough for herself, having found herself a girlfriend who's head over heels for her, and making decent enough money from her witchery to keep doing what she loves.
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In love with the world to the point of near obsession, she has been ostracized from the greater fae community for being "a little too weird".
Living on her own in an abandoned church along the edge of the wood, she keeps to herself, tending to her massive collection of random items and keepsakes that she finds beautiful.
· female
· she/her
· questioning
· admirer
· secret
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In spite of her reverence, she considers herself separate from the world, and tries to keep herself from being seen or found, a silent secret admirer.
A small group of goats living near the wood swear there's something out by that church, and have taken to trying to prove her existence, so she keeps having to hide...
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more to come...LATER?!?!?!?!?!?!?!? Probably