Amber Sphynx, also known as "Bimmy" "Bimbi" "Bamber" "Buddy" "Yaoi Boy" "Fool Boy" et al., was a handsome and dreadful little lad. He was only a few months old when he moved in from off the streets and the very first thing he did was slap a bowl of cat food out of my hands so that he didn't have to get out from under the Christmas tree to eat it.

The Little Bastard, Small Form

He had a weird little eye fungus problem that made him look a little bit like a funny pirate, and a cute little nose splotch that made his nose look slightly like a heart. He enjoyed tummy rubs, often showing off his slightly-pink tummy specifically so you would pet it without mercy. He was very good at curling into a donut.

He came to us with a little plush toy cat that he liked and with a few milk rings that he would go crazy chasing. The first day he spent with us he scared the hell out of me by seemingly disappearing from my room, only for him to pop out a bit later from underneath a dresser so low to the ground that I didn't think it was physically possible for a creature larger than a mouse to get underneath.

As he got older he learned other nefarious tricks, such as trying to slap food out of your hands so that it fell and he could try to eat it. He made good friends with his fellow housecats but was still a rude bastard to other cats, such as Farnsworth. As he got even older he began to chill out and seemed to make good friends with the outdoor ferals and became quite civil to Farnsworth who was unfortunately still scared of him. When our house become inundated with a Tiny Baby he did no harm to her but also did not help her at all and just kind of stood there and took it when she did anything, thereby failing to teach her any manners whatsoever.

He was very personable and got along well with people and liked to visit and be petted by them. He was also very willing to be a menace to new people and once drank hot cocoa I'd made for my wife that she was actively holding when she stopped for a moment to kiss me.

As he became an elder he became less active, becoming the only cat still allowed to go outside because all he actually did was curl up on a chair in the sun and nothing more. He also became supremely cuddly, and loved to curl up on my lap or chest or really just any body part of mine that was horizontal enough to be laid on, no matter what I was doing. He was still a horrible food menace though. He never stopped being a horrible food menace.

Babyboy passed away a few hours into the new year 2019, after I'd sat with him all day on the couch with a towel. He'd had a scare a while earlier wherein he became wobbly and struggled to eat or drink, which he recovered from to give us a few more months with him, and now he had decided it was time to check out, happening just a bit before I was going on a pre-planned vacation. Thanks for not waiting til I was gone, buddy.